Moving sales are one of the most popular ways to make moving easier, besides hiring residential movers. Moving sales are held before moving to a new place to get rid of items you no longer want or need. These goods can include clothes, books, toys, etc., that will not be needed in the new location, and such sales don’t just help you reduce the amount of packing to be done but also to make some money out of getting rid of unnecessary things. Just make sure that the goods you sell are still in working condition and see your old items become someone else’s treasure.
So, what needs to be done to hold a successful moving sale? Here is the way to go!
Moving sales can be carried out smoothly by following some simple steps.
- Deciding time and day: Find a good day and an appropriate time for the moving sale as soon as possible so that you have enough time to prepare. Saturdays are the best day when it comes to yard sales. Sundays can be the second-best option for sales that start on a Saturday and continue throughout the next day.
Then determine an appropriate time for the sale to start. As some yard shoppers like to take dibs at early hours, try starting your sale at 7-8 AM at least.
Pro Tip: Be sure to identify a back-up date just in case of bad weather.
- Advertising: Advertising your moving sale is very important as through advertisement you send out a message. People start getting to know about your sale, and thus more people come to the sale. Setting up events and leveraging online platforms can drastically increase your turnout so we encourage you to spread the word via social media posts, events, or even adding your moving yard sale on a community websites.
Another popular way to advertise your event is to post flyers in the neighborhood. This also works very well as an advertisement trick and often gives people directions as they approach your household.
- Preparing for actual sale: Now that you’ve decided where and when the sale will happen and have advertised it so that people know about it too, you have to prepare for the actual sale.
Here are the steps to prepare for a moving sale;
- Determine the prices of the goods ahead of time – making it up as you go along typically results in much less $$
- Tag every good with a price so people aren’t consistently asking
- Gather packing supplies so you can wrap and protect items for customers
- Pack sets together ahead of time
- Separate the types of items when possible and keep everything organized
- Create categories for better handling
- Plan for weather changes and set up tents to keep you comfortable
- Handling the sale day: There is a lot that can go wrong on the sale day, but with a little planning, organization, and determination you can make sure that everything goes smoothly and you make the most out of the sale.
Create a pay station and keep a trusted designated person to handle the finances so that it is convenient for the buyers and you as well. This designated person can be someone from your family or friend circle as taking help from your acquaintances during a sale situation can be pretty helpful to maintain the order of things. You can also make some interesting convenience additions for your buyers, for example, selling cold drinks at the sale in case someone needs a drink.
Moving yard sales are not just a way to get rid of your unnecessary things and make money out of them while also decreasing the cost of the move; it is also a great time to decide what you need and don’t need in your new life.
After you follow these tips to have a great moving sale, hire professional movers in Maryland for moving as they surely make your experience easier, smoother, and more efficient.
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